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theory of productive forces中文是什么意思

用"theory of productive forces"造句"theory of productive forces"怎么读"theory of productive forces" in a sentence


  • 生产力理论


  • The innovation and development of the theory of productive forces brought forth by the important thought of quot; three representatives quot
  • Therefore , the theory of productive forces embodies clearly the princip1e of the unity of ti and yong . a1so , it shows the unity of science and value in that it discovers the objective 1aws of socia1 - - historica1 deve1opment on the one hand and sets the lofty ideals for mankind on the other
  • The existence and development of small - medium enterprise is base on many theories , such as theory of economic evolution , theory of scale economy , theory of incomplete market , theory of social work division , theory of productive force development , etc . these theories suggest that small - medium enterprise is necessary in the economic development from many aspect s
用"theory of productive forces"造句  


The theory of productive forces (sometimes referred to as productive force determinism) is a widely used concept in communism and Marxism placing primary emphasis on technical advances and strong productive forces in a nominally socialist economy before real communism, or even real socialism, can have a hope of being achieved.
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